my blog

Hilbert Curve Desk Toy (Part 2)

They say the last 20% of the work takes 80% of the time.

Getting this thing to work was BRUTAL, mostly on the firmware side. In the last post, I talked about how I needed 3 functions in the software: flip, rotateCW, and rotateCCW - easy enough, right?

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Hilbert Curve Desk Toy

My coworker dropped a cool looking print on my desk the other day. Using open scad, he was able to code a Hilbert curve and sweep a cut of the profile wide enough to hold a 5mm ball bearing. Over lunch we were seeing how fast we could get the ball through the length of the fractal (it fits ~17 meters of track in a 100mm x 100mm square).

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Nathaniel BermanComment
Automated Blinds Part 1: Driver Bringup

I took the last week off of work (anti-burnout vacation time) and I’ve been working a lot on some designs for automated blinds to retrofit on top of some IKEA shades I have in my room currently. I 3D printed a custom bracket that could hold a small stepper motor, some gears, and drive small adapter that engages the winding tube of the blinds with a spline (I’ll have a full tutorial up when I finish).

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